Manifesting: Manifest Your Future With The Beauty Of Your Past

Nov 7, 2023

Hello Friends!

Happy beautiful Tuesday! Next week, I’ll be engaging in the spiritual practice of rest and will not publish a new post. However, I’ll be back in two weeks. Have a wonderful two weeks! This post is about the spiritual practice of Manifesting.


Story of the Week

Recently, I was with a friend who was expressing dismay with the state of society. As she talked about her perception of the woes of the world, her emotions became increasingly discontented.

After she finished talking, I said, “Yes, we definitely have some things to improve in this world, but I’m so thankful that I live in America today rather than 100 years ago. Given my love of electricity, hot showers and purple wheelchairs, I’m glad that society has come as far as it has.”

My friend nodded her head in agreement and said, “Yeah, we have come far, but we have so much further to go.”

I then taught her a technique for manifesting the society, or life, of your dreams. Many people compare their current situation with the situation they want. In doing this, people can become discouraged, disappointed and generally unhappy with the current state of affairs, whether personal or societal. These feelings cause people to move out of alignment with their Higher Selves, which knocks their spiritual powers offline at precisely the moment they most need them.

You see, when you desire a reality different from the one you are currently experiencing, you need full access to your manifestation capabilities. Those capabilities depend on your intuition, your creativity, your love, your intelligence, your generosity and so many other qualities that are innately who you are. Having access to those qualities depends on your alignment with the Divine and your alignment with the Divine depends on your emotional state. Your emotional state is determined by what you think about. So, the question becomes, “What thoughts manifest desired outcomes?”

As paradoxical as this may sound, thinking about, and giving thanks for, your past achievements helps you manifest what you desire in the future. How? When you focus on how much you have accomplished in the past year, 5 years, 10 years and so on and how grateful you are for those accomplishments, you create an energy of joy, happiness, contentment, success, love and gratitude within and around yourself. When you cultivate such energy, you are aligning yourself with the Divine which brings your manifestation capabilities into the present moment. As the energy of manifestation grows within you, you can not help but to manifest.

But, there’s one last step: combine your goals with your energy of manifestation. Determine what you truly desire. By determining your authentic desires, you provide direction for your energy of manifestation to flow. After you determine your authentic desires, think about, and express gratitude for, your past achievements so you can soak in the energy of manifesting. When you soak in the energy of manifestation and have a clear direction of where you want that energy to flow, you have the recipe for manifesting the life, and world, that you truly desire!

Love, blessings and purple,


Spiritual Practice of the Week

Try incorporating this exercise into your week. If you need modifications to the practice, scroll down to the section titled Access Notes.

Manifesting Your Future Journaling

Set a timer for 10 minutes. Write down what you have accomplished in the past year, in the past 5 years, in the past 10 years and throughout your life. The accomplishments can be anything you are proud of. You do not have to write down everything that you have accomplished. Just write down what you want to. If you can’t think of anything and you’re reading this newsletter, I can tell you one accomplishment you can write down: surviving a global pandemic!

After your timer sounds, close your eyes, put your hands over your heart and ask yourself, “What do I truly desire to accomplish?” Take 3 deep breaths. Set your timer for 10 minutes again and write down what you want to accomplish in the future.


 Access Notes

The following modifications are intended to create equal access to the spiritual practice above. These modifications are somewhat general to be as useful as possible to as many people as possible. Please feel free to further tweak the exercise as needed so that you can participate as fully as possible while honoring your body’s needs.

For those who have ADHD or those who’s minds become more active when you sit quietly, try the following mindfulness exercises to quiet your mind.

1. If writing/typing in a journal is not possible or challenging, try the following modifications:

  • 3 days this week, write/type one accomplishment you are proud of and one thing you would like to accomplish in the future. By the end of the week, you will have typed/written 3 accomplishments you are proud of and 3 things you’d like to accomplish in the future.
  •  Instead of writing/typing in a journal, record yourself saying what you have accomplished and what you want to accomplish.

2. If you have difficulty remembering past occurrences, say or think the following: “I set the intention to remember as many achievements as I can.” Then set your timer for 10 minutes and write down whatever achievements you can remember. If you can remember one, that’s just fine! Write down the achievement you remember and then write down what you want to achieve in the future.

3. If journaling for 10 minutes is too long, journal for as many minutes as you can.

4. If you cannot place both hands over your heart, try one of the following modifications:

  • Place one hand, your wrist or any body part or assistive over your heart.
  • Or, close your eyes and focus on your heart as you take 3 deep breaths.

5. If you cannot take deep breaths, breathe as you normally do.