Hi, I’m Allison and I want to help you live a phenomenal life of joy!

I’m a spiritual teacher and an economist. I know that’s quite a combination! Let me tell you how I came to be both.


“Growing up, I was blessed to have parents who ensured that I understood the importance of faith and the Divine. Towards that end, I attended church and engaged in spiritual practices throughout my childhood. The lessons I learned in church as a little one fostered a lifelong dedication to deepening my relationship with the Divine.”

Just as my parents were devoted to helping me develop a spiritual life, they were also committed to my full inclusion in whatever activity I was interested in… even if it meant that one of them had to literally hold me up so I could participate. You see, I was born with cerebral palsy (CP). With my parents’ help, I did everything from skiing to swimming to roller skating to yoga to horseback riding. However, I knew that many with disabilities did not have the same opportunities I did. I learned at an early age that not everything in society was accessible to the disability community. I wanted to do my part to create a more accessible world and knew that one way to create a more inclusive society was through public policy.

While there are many ways to change public policy, I became enamored with economics and decided to pursue a PhD in economics. Upon earning a PhD in economics from MIT, I worked as an economist who specialized in creating and analyzing public policies that improved the economic well-being and social inclusion of people with disabilities.

After experiencing health complications from CP, I retired from the company I worked for and plunged deeper into my lifelong love of studying spirituality. As a college student, I began studying metaphysics, spirituality and spiritual practice in my spare time. I continued studying these topics when I could throughout graduate school and while working as a full-time economist. Upon my retirement, though, I prioritized my spiritual education and practice by enrolling in classes taught by the leading teachers of metaphysics and spirituality.

Although I initially deepened my study of spirituality to manage the complications of CP, after a few months of intensive study and doing spiritual practices modified to meet my needs, three things happened. First, my physical health improved and I realized many lifelong dreams. Second, my friends with disabilities saw the success I was having doing spiritual exercises modified to fit my abilities and asked if I could develop spiritual practices modified to meet their needs. And third, after witnessing the increased confidence and joy my friends experienced as a result of doing the spiritual practices that I modified for them, I felt compelled to make spirituality and spiritual practices accessible to anyone who wants to deepen their connection with the Divine.

Which brings me to today. While I do some economics consulting, I dedicate the bulk of my energy and time to creating inclusivity within spirituality through spiritual consulting. During consultations, I modify spiritual practices to meet the needs of people living with disabilities and teach individuals and families how to apply spiritual principles to disability. Additionally, I help spiritual teachers and faith-based organizations create atmospheres that are inclusive of the disability community.

If you’d like to learn about spiritual principles, or how to apply spiritual principles to situations unique to disability or how to modify spiritual exercises to meet the needs of people with various disabilities, please click here to sign up to receive my weekly newsletter.

Love and blessings,

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“How To Meditate With A Disability”


A practical guide to adapt spiritual practices for disabilities.

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My mission is to help you to deepen your relationship with the divine and live a joyful life.

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Books, movies, modalities & more to help you along your spiritual journey.

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Spiritual Consulting

Regardless of what abilities or disabilities we may live with, we are all spirit.

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Economics Consulting

I infuse my economics training and spiritual knowledge into every aspect of my economics consulting.

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